Ways to Support SJE!
English Language Acquisition Committee (ELAC)
The purpose of this committee is to provide opportunities for parents/guardians to give advice and assist the school in the decision-making process concerning programs for English Learners (EL). Non-English learner parents, interested community members and site staff may also participate in this committee. At least one member shall be elected to represent the site ELAC at the DELAC (District English Learner Advisory Committee).
The work of the ELAC is to:
- Advise the School Site Council in the development and implementation of the school site plan for English Learner education to be submitted to the District governing board as the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
- Participate in the development of the school’s needs assessment.
- Review the school’s annual language census (State R-30 Report).
- Help parents become aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
Parent Volunteers
We have many opportunities available to volunteer at San Jacinto Elementary. These include helping in the office, classrooms and library as well as during events and field trips. You need to be an approved district parent volunteer in order to participate in any of these activities. Please fill out a volunteer application on the SJUSD District website under the parent tab. The approval process can take up to three weeks to complete.
Our parent coordinator will review the application, call your references and send your application to the district office for approval. You will also be required to attend a 40 Developmental Assets training as a part of the approval process. You will receive a notification from either the district office or the school to let you know you have been approved. After you have been approved you will be required to have your picture taken at the district office for your new Volunteer ID. Please be sure to wear your ID when you are volunteering and remember to sign in at the front office.
Fund Raising
The main reason we do fund raisers is to provide school activities, assemblies, dances, field trips and other rewards and incentives for our children. We have planned several fund raisers for this school year. We hope that you can support our fund raising efforts. Please watch our school calendar and newsletter for specific dates and times of these events.
Examples of fund raisers:
Fall Festival
Movie Nights
Box Tops for Education - Year Round
Target for Education – Year Round
Message Grams – Holidays through out the year
Sales of snacks and other items at our family events like Craft Friday, Movie Friday, and our dances.